August 19, 2010

Natural Treatments For Dry Skin

Natural skin treatments can be effective in relieving skin irritations and dryness. It is essential to help the skin retain and keep its moisture because dry skin can lead to premature aging. Common household products can be used as dry skin remedies to help ease irritations and dryness.

Lemon is an important part of any skin beauty routine. It is a good treatment for dry skin on the face. You can also apply it on your elbows and knees. It also evens out the skin tone and lightens blemishes. The citric acid in lemons eliminates dead skin cells and helps stimulate the growth of new healthy cells.

August 18, 2010

Fun Ways To Help You Loss Weight!

The Fun Ways:
Spend some time playing with your kids. Play games that require physical activities. You will not just benefit from these activities but you also spend some precious time with them.

Substitute activities for eating. When the cravings strike, go talk to a friend, check your emails or facebook or play your favorite game.

August 16, 2010

The Skin Tissue Test

Before you perform any kind of skin treatment, you must know first what type of skin you have right now. This skin tissue test will help you to find out what type of skin you have.

Wash down your face with a neutral or non-particular skin type soap or cleanser, such as Neutrogena for normal skin. Rinse with water. Pat with a towel just enough to absorb moisture but do not rub. Wait one hour, and then cover your entire face with a ply of a large facial tissue but press it lightly all over your face. Remove the paper carefully after one minute and examine it near to a light.
-If you see oil throughout the tissue, you most likely have oily skin.
-If you see oil only in the T‐zone (across forehead, down nose and chin), you most likely have combination skin.